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Writings from Liz’s BookBox
On my 60th birthday, my perceptive, imaginative friend, Liz Palladino, gave me a box that looked just like a book. You open the cover and it’s filled with writing prompts. Best gift ever. It’s inspired me to create a new Medium series called Writings from Liz’s BookBox. Gonna try and hit it every day till I get through the whole thing.
Remember being brand new?
I don’t. I’m too far away from it.
But I suppose at any point in time,
we feel pretty far from our beginnings.
(Little sidebar here:
Molly holding her sister’s newborn baby in her arms.
She looks up at me and whispers,
“He’s telling me about when he was little…”)
Brand new.
The first association I have with that phrase is new love.
I wrote a song about it for a friend of mine.
With new love, there is a full body willingness, an embrace
of the world that originates in the belly, and radiates out
through the genitals, the legs, the arms and the eyes.
All past injuries lose their vinegar sting.
The edges are sweet and the blades
are sharp for slicing paper
thin sheets of joy and
folding them into…