Member-only story
The Yes Journal
Vanquish your inner critic. Gather evidence for the opposition.
You are probably no stranger to that mean voice inside that has a an insult cocked and loaded for everything you do. This common problem stems from a host of causes — everything from disapproving parents, to wildly indulgent parents, to no parents at all. It can come from brutally unconscious teachers at school. It can come from bullying, or from the simple fact of one’s own physical shape or state.
Whatever the cause, the inner Nazi is born and prevails. But there are a million ways to neutralize its power over us.
I just want to share one of them with you. It’s a humble little trick, but it works. I call it the Yes Journal.
Here are the rules:
1) write in it every day, and
2) only about what you did right.
No self-deprecating disclaimers. No exaggerating.
Only what you did right that day.
It might sound simplistic but trust me, it works.
Maybe it’s a small notebook that fits in your pocket. Mine was. I didn’t want anyone to know I was writing good stuff about myself, so I made sure it was small enough that I could have it on my person at all times. Maybe for you it’s a more…