Member-only story
One Hundred Days of Gladness, Day 4
Meet Bodhi.
No, we did not get another dog. We have our Ruby, and she is our beloved heart-opening canine, and brave protector from all things Squirrel Nation. She is our love doctor. Our comedy channel. And our marriage counselor. No one could want more from a dog.
Bodhi is different. Here’s my secret, my invisible service animal, trained to recognize the smell of depression. When he smells trouble, he ruffs me out of bed, and gets me outside.
How can I explain this? Imagine that you are you, and your day is your day. As two separate entities, your day is a presence that accompanies you through your waking hours.
Now, give that day form. What form does it take for you? Imagine the best case scenario. Is it an angel? A beloved elder who’s passed on? A spirit, a light? It could even be a child who makes you happy, or a cartoon character. Just remember that however you treat your day, that’s how you treat this form.
My day takes the form of an invisible, intuitive, service dog. No matter what happens, Bodhi (my day) is with me. And to the extent that I listen to him, and treat him well, I am also doing the same for my day. I would never think of cussing…