Member-only story

Working with Deborah Koff Chapin’s Soulcards


Image Swimming: Day 1 of 60



Image Swimming is a term I invented for a series of exploratory meditations inspired by the work of Deborah Koff Chapin, creator of Soulcards. I’m using the cards from Deck 2. Please visit for more on this beautiful process.

Seen one way,

Image by Deborah Koff Chapin, from Soulcards 2, used with permission

she hovers,
she walks beside me,
hiding in my car, my kitchen,
my coffeemaker. Sometimes she surfs
the blue computer light and winks at me from there.
Sometimes, looking over her shoulder at me from the setting
sun, or leaning back against the moon with her arms open wide,
she watches, she waits, poised for that moment when my life curls into the shape of receiving, so that her gift of love, knowing, wisdom, and light can be transmitted.

Seen another way,

Image by Deborah Koff Chapin, from Soulcards 2, used with permission

this is my gift for the one
who has animated my words
and music for decades. I show her its
flaming petals, its bright, nectared nucleus
as the only thing sacred enough for this angel
who’s kept me alive all these years. A light spun
from darkness, I offer it to the blessed mother of all light,
returning one of her own borrowed children back home alive
nurtured and sparkling
with joy.



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