Danielle! Thank you for this. It blows wind in the sails of my own rebellion.
A) I find the nanowrimo website frustrating and user hostile, so I’m going to stop trying to do that. It only steals valuable writing time from my day.
B) you’ve helped me realize that I can write down my own goals, and design my own way of keeping track of them and sharing them with this community.
My nanowrimo goals are tracking two projects:
- Finish composing and notating the songs for a musical that is in its sixth (and hopefully final!) draft: Rebel Girls (a historical musical about two fictional sisters, set in the 1912 Bread and Roses strike.
- Finish the second draft of my novel “StoryEarth Chronicles: Case #241,” about a woman who leaves her world for fame and position in another world, and ends up losing everything — only her journey ends up knitting the two worlds together.
Thank you again for trampling the grass down in front of me, so I could more easily walk this path.