100 Days of Gladness: Day 26

NaPoWriMo: “Leaving Day”

2 min readApr 15, 2024
Image by Tina Lear

Nineteen years of living in this house swept away —
by Bekins, by us, by life flowing through us
into more of its own self.

Who knew this would last so long
when we moved here,
or feel so right now that we’re leaving?

With our hearts in our bellies,
our feet full of butterflies,
and our dog in her little
JetBlue approved bag,

we board the plane
for our new life.

Goodbye to nineteen years of family love and duty.
A bow to all that we learned, all that we grew into,
and all the blessings that seeded us
with the strength we feel today.

Thank you to all the gods and spirits
who kept watch over us so we could
meet this day intact with our whole soul.

Photo by Tina Lear

Tina Lear has written since she could hold a pencil. She’s completed four musicals with her long time collaborator, writer Elise Forier-Edie, taught yoga to inmates at Rikers Island, performed for thousands at Folk Festivals nationwide, and driven cattle in Wyoming. Check out her debut fantasy novel recently released, and her collection of poetry: Partial Views. If you want to interact with her about books, join her Website, Facebook Page, Instagram, and LinkedIn




Novelist. Poet. Musician. Buddhist. Quilter. Animal lover. Visible grownup. Hidden child. Secret dancer when all alone. Makes good bread.