Member-only story
100 Days of Gladness: Day 23
We have choices.
The minute we open our eyes, there’s a default mode.
And. There are a million other modes, if we would only
WD-40 the hinges of our consciousness
and open to them.
The light turns green and the guy behind us honks.
Option 1: (Asshole. Are you kidding me? What the f — )
Option 2: His wife is in labor and has to get to the hospital.
Option 3: He leaned over to pick up something up and his shoulder hit the horn.
A woman coughs all through the Broadway show.
Option 1: (Oh my God, go back to the lobby! Take a lozenge. Do something!)
Option 2: She’s dying. It’s her last day on earth, and this is opening night, and her son is in the show.
Option 3: I am in training as an undercover bodhisattva. This is an assignment in the patience module.
A neighbor passes me every day, never returns my hello, never smiles.
Option 1: (What is your problem? You scared of lesbians?)
Option 2: She wants to make contact, but suffers from crippling shyness.
Option 3: She is dealing with…